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What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture therapy is one of the many forms of holistic care we offer. This treatment finds its roots in ancient Oriental medicine practices. The Chinese believed that the human body was filled with a life-driving energy they called “qi” (pronounced, “chee”). They believed that when a person’s qi was balanced and flowing correctly, their wellness was at its peak, and when it was blocked or imbalanced, the body experienced pain or sickness. They used acupuncture to channel and encourage the proper flow of qi throughout the body.
Modern holistic doctors now use the same techniques but with a different thought process behind them. Acupuncture therapy uses the strategic insertion of small, hair-like needles into specific points of the body, called “acupressure points,” to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue. This treatment increases circulation and triggers the body’s natural painkillers to aid in alleviating pain or discomfort of all sorts. Our clinic often uses acupuncture therapy to improve symptoms of the following:
- Allergies
- Chronic pain
- Migraines
- Insomnia
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Anxiety
- Depression
Acupuncture is a great choice for many patients. For some individuals, painkillers are not a suitable path of treatment. Acupuncture may offer patients relief from their pain without the need for other medications, however, it is a very safe option to use in conjunction with other treatments, if desired.
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